

I have been working a lot with Reagan on her signs.  Especially since she insists on saying most of her words with glutteral grunts that all sound the same;)  I taught her the sign for "beautiful" the other day since I tell her all the time that she is a beautiful girl.  She will brush her check, cock her head to the side and with the biggest smile say "boo-full!"
(Why does her hair look like a total mullet here?  Ugh, what to do with this girls hair!)


Jennifer's Kitchen said...

AWWWW! So sweet. :) (I didn't think her hair looked mullet-y. It just looks baby-y. Belinda's was like that when she was a baby, and you'd never know because now she has H-A-I-R! Thick, thick hair. And a lot of it.) I love Reagan's little toes in this picture, I have to say. So cute. :)