
Boy Scout Camp 2012

This was Adrian's first year of Boy Scout camp.  He was so excited the night before that I think it was after midnight before he actually fell asleep.  The only problem with that was the fact that he had to be at the church at 3:30 AM to leave!  I know he was tired and worn out by the end of the week, but he loved it.  I'm hoping that he learned a lot about what it means to be a boy scout, but since I've heard an awful lot of stories about a certain someone leaving his stuff all over the place, getting other people to pack up for him, getting someone else to carry his pack, and trying to fake a tummy ache to get out of a hike....I'm thinking that that lesson will be learned another year.  New hope: Adrian will mature A LOT this year and be better able to handle himself at next year's scout camp!

I love hearing all of the fun stories about what the kids learn and do away from home.  Hearing the same camp fire songs over and over again gets a little old, but the excitement over the experience doesn't.  I love that my boys will all get such amazing opportunities to learn about life and how to be men.  I am so grateful for the men who are willing to work and serve these young men--for their examples of patience, faith, and hard work.  Thank you!!


Jennifer's Kitchen said...

I'm glad he got to go and had a good experience. And you're right--the men who go as leaders are just amazing. Kevin's been doing it the last 8 years (in a row!) and it's quite a sacrifice. They have so much patience and are such good examples.