
2 Year Old Stats

With all the craziness of summer I was a little late getting Reagan to the pediatrician for her 2 year old well-child visit. I knew she was healthy so I wasn't too worried about it;) I was surprised to learn that Reagan weighs the same that Jonathan did when he was 2, but she is a little bit shorter than he was so she has a little more chunk. Here are some fun facts about this rambunctious and loveable two year old:
Weight: 29 lbs.
Height: 35 1/14"
Possible height full-grown: 5'4"-5'7"
Favorite Color: Pink and Purple
Favorite Food: Broccoli
Favorite Treat: M&Ms
Favorite Book: Dora anything
Favorite Cartoon: Dora the Explorer
Favorite Movie: Lion King
Favorite Game: I Spy
Favorite Play: Tea Party
Favorite Song: Jesus Love is Like a River/Popcorn Popping
Favorite Thing to do at the Park: Sliding/Swinging
Best Friend: Lucy
(All responses are from Reagan as I type this by the way...I'm as surprised as you are that broccoli is her favorite food!)


Jennifer's Kitchen said...

What a cutie! Broccoli... now that is hilarious. I hope you told that to the pediatrician. When my kids were that age, the pediatrician would always ask them what kinds of food they ate that was green. And my kids actually LIKED vegetables (some, anyway), but they could never think of one healthy thing to tell the pediatrician. :/