
Totally Terrible Twos

Generally speaking I think that 3 year olds are more terrible than 2 year olds. Reagan is getting close to that 3 year old obstinate nature and there are days that I would rather be anywhere than in the same room as her;) Reagan has always had a hard time with being told "no," but that doesn't mean we say yes to everything. I just have to dig in and be firm so that she doesn't think she runs the show around here! The funny thing is that most times if I just ignore her then 30 seconds later she is doing what we told her to do, but in a way that she thinks makes it seem like it was her idea all along. I am getting quite adept at manipulating her cooperation.
There are plenty of people out there who think that she is the cutest little girl ever and can't imagine her crying. Those people have been getting a different version of little miss lately. Church is really interesting. I did have to go into nursery a couple of weeks ago because they couldn't get her to stop throwing a tantrum. The reason for said tantrum? They told her she couldn't throw toys. How awful I know.
Don't let her angel eyes and sweet smile fool you. This girl has enough personality for 2 or 3 kids and isn't afraid to show it!


Jennifer's Kitchen said...

I know what you mean about personality. I sometimes feel guilty for not having more kids (and if I did, I'd probably feel guilty for something else)... But I've realized lately that my particular three are equal to about six!!! (Really, I have two who are equal to two and one who is equal to four.) :)