
Merit Badges...

Suck. Okay, they don't really suck. But sewing them on sure does. At the end of the school year Adrian had a court of honor and I needed to get his sash put together. I may have cursed a couple times in trying to sew these dang stupid things on. And yes, I now know that you can get adhesive stuff from the scout shop. However, it is at least a 45 min drive to the shop and I rarely think about these things in time to have them shipped to me.
Adrian has more merit badges now, but I was so irritated by the time I was done adding the rest of those that I opted to skip taking a picture. I am proud of all that Adrian has accomplished for sure, but seriously?! All I can think about when I look at this sash is the fact that I have (almost!) 3 more boys to go through scouting. I need to look into investing in that adhesive stuff for sure.


Jennifer's Kitchen said...

Yeah, suck. That's right. I learned a trick from a friend that helps sewing a lot. She got this CLEAR thread (it looks like of like fishing line)--I think at JoAnn's??? It's been a long time. But anyway, since it's clear, you can just use the same stuff on any badge, AND you can't tell if you've done a terrible job. It rocks. I mean, I just make a mess of it. And I don't even care. But tell him congrats on the badges! :)